Getting to Casa de Tío Dionisio

Reaching Horcajo is simple if you follow this route. Anyway, we have no objection to make yours personally, even we can send it by fax or email.

From Madrid - Toledo, Argés, Layos, Pulgar, Cuerva, Ventas Aguilera, cruce del Molinillo, Retuerta del Bullaque and Horcajo (180 km, 2-hour drive approximately)
From Ciudad Real - Las Casas, Picón, Porzuna, El Robledo, Alcoba and Horcajo (80km, 50-minute drive)

Address: C/ Real, 32 13110 Horcajo de los Montes Ciudad Real

How to get there from:

Spain Portugal Other

NOTE: This is only an outline, is not responsible for damages caused by any errors in this tab data.