Getting to Heretat de Guārdia

Masía Heretat de Guārdia is located in the municipality of Baronia de Rialb, in the region of the Noguera, specifically on kilometer 14 of the C-1412b road between Ponts and Folquer. The house is not visible from the road; it is reached through a 300m path, which is signposted and prepared. The whole construction is situated inside the country estate and is surrounded by an expanse of rural land which assures its occupants a unique setting with a wide perspective and spectacular views. The municipality comprises a wide expanse of territory in which small villages with farmhouses and the Rialb reservoir are situated, in an environment of foothills very suitable for rural tourism. Worth seeing are the heritage of monuments and the many Romanesque churches. Set in a mid-mountain environment suitable for green tourism and adventure sports, Baronia de Rialb offers an interesting mosaic of landscapes, cultures and peoples. Ready to inform and help you in everything you need.

• Address: Masia Guārdia / C-1412b entre Ponts y Folquer (km 14) 25747 La Baronía de Rialb Lleida

Exact location on the map provided by the owner

How to get there from:

Spain Portugal Other

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