Getting to El Madrońo

From Ávila: AV 900, Ávila-Casavieja road. CEVESA bus company.

From Madrid: M 501, up to San Martín de Valdeiglesias. Continue towards Ávila, reach "Juanjo" petrol station. Once there, take the detour to Navaluenga, Burgohondo (20 km).
36 Km. from Ávila (AV 900) and 120 from Madrid (M 501)
CEVESA bus company(Estación Sur Méndez Álvaro)
Monday to Sunday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Address: Ctra de Ávila -Casavieja 05113 Burgohondo Ávila

How to get there from:

Spain Portugal Other

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